Steven Eddy

An accomplished concert artist and Baroque music specialist, baritone Steven Eddy has garnered frequent praise as a soloist and professional choral singer with such ensembles as Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, Seraphic Fire, True Concord Voices and Orchestra, Spire Chamber Ensemble, Clarion Music Society, American Classical Orchestra, Sacred Music in a Sacred Space, American Bach Soloists Academy, Choral Arts Philadelphia, Handel Choir of Baltimore, New York Virtuoso Singers, and Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity.

Equally adept on the opera stage, Mr. Eddy made his New York Philharmonic debut in the 2019 world premiere of David Lang’s prisoner of the state, singing as a Prison Guard and covering the title role of The Prisoner. Other roles in his repertoire include Raimbaud (Le comte Ory), Pablo Picasso (After Life), Dandini (La Cenerentola), Charlie (Three Decembers), Dancaïre (Carmen), Aeneas (Dido & Aeneas), Schaunard (La bohème), and Harlekin (Ariadne auf Naxos). He has had the pleasure of performing with such companies and festivals as Fort Worth Opera, Opera Saratoga, Opera Birmingham, LoftOpera, Chelsea Opera, Aspen Opera Theater Center, Tanglewood Music Center, American Lyric Theater, Center for Contemporary Opera, Arbor Opera Theater, and the Seagle Music Colony.

Mr. Eddy was the 1st Prize winner of the 2019 Oratorio Society of New York’s Lyndon Woodside Competition. He is also the winner of the 2015 Joy in Singing Music Sessions, which led to his New York solo recital debut at Merkin Hall, and was a Regional Finalist of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions.

Mr. Eddy is currently an Adjunct Instructor of Voice at The College of New Jersey, and holds degrees from New York University, the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, and the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance. 

Upcoming projects include his debut with the Oratorio Society of New York in the world premiere of Paul Moravec and Mark Campbell’s A Nation of Others, Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine with The Thirteen, a recital of works by George Butterworth with Brooklyn Art Song Society, and concert projects with Seraphic Fire, Variant Six, and Choral Arts Philadelphia, among others. 

For more information, please visit Mr. Eddy’s website at